
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cover Reveal for the Last Book in the Tharassas Cycle by J. Scott Coatsworth.

The Death Bringer - J. Scott Coatsworth

J. Scott Coatsworth has a new queer sci-fantasy book coming out in September, The Tharassas Cycle book four, and we have the cover reveal: The Death Bringer.


War is coming. Aik has become the Progenitor, and the Seed Mother has released him to transform the world for her alien brood. Silya and Raven, Aik's former friends, are the only ones who can save him and the world. But what if the cure is worse than the invasion?

As Silya rushes to prepare Gullton for the battle to come, she's determined to save as many people as she can. But new crises emerge that demand her attention.

Raven has his own hands full, keeping the dragon-like verent in line, while helping Silya to save the world. But what if the only way to do so is to sacrifice Aik, the man that he loves?

It's the end of the world ... or could it be the start of something new?

Note: Advance paperback copies will be available at BayCon in Santa Clara in early July.

About the Series

The Tharassas Cycle is a four book sci-fantasy series set on the recently colonized world of Tharassas. When humans first arrived on planet, they thought they were alone until the hencha mind made itself known. But now a new threat has arisen to challenge both humankind and their new allies on this alien world.

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Chapter One


He floated, weightless and naked, surrounded by a reddish light and suspended in fluid. Something connected to his mouth and wrapped around his head, like a lover’s embrace.

He used to have a name. He searched his mind for some clue to his identity. I exist, so I must be someone. Or something.

That made sense, but got him no closer to an answer. He blinked. Who am I?

There was no immediate reply.

He lifted his hand. It was encased in metal. The gauntlet. That much he remembered, though it meant nothing to him. Except… it seemed different, somehow. Thinner.

He moved his arms in the liquid, and it sparkled around him where his shifting disturbed it. The metal extended down his wrist and along his forearm, like before, but now it went farther, around his elbow and up his bicep. He touched it with his free hand.

I can feel it. It was as if the metal had become a part of him, his nerves growing through it. He held out his metallic hand and flexed his fingers. What is it?

We call it uurcaa. It’s a sacred metal—it will protect you, and if your host dies, it will collect and save your soul.He could feel the emotions she held back from him. It is the last of its kind from our homeworld. Like us.

He blinked. Then what am I?

You are my son, Iihil. The progenitor, the one who has come before and the first of many more like you. The voice was deep and comforting.

Mother. Warmth infused him at her voice, and an eagerness to please her.

Still, something wasn’t right. He was more than that. He searched his mind, running up against that stubborn blankness. Somewhere beyond it were the answers he needed.

He’d been someone else. Before.

Who was I? Memories of a face—dark hair, intense eyes that nevertheless twinkled at him. Raven.

It came flooding back to him. His mother. His life in Gullton. Training to be a guard and meeting Raven for the first time. My name is Aik.

He reached for the mask that covered his face. It was suffocating. Something was stuck in his throat, and he coughed hard, trying to force it out, whipping around and causing the liquid around him to flash red in alarm.

Calm yourself. The voice was as thick and heavy as an ix hide, and just as soft and warm.

Aik pushed back. What are you doing to me? I don’t want this! Let me out! He thrashed about, trying to force his way through the suffocating liquid. The metal crept up his shoulder. If it covered all of him, he would be lost.

Calm yourself! It was more insistent this time.

Aik stiffened as an enforced lethargy settled over him. He lost control of his limbs, falling still in his floating prison. The voice pressed against his mind. You’re safe. Be calm, my little one.

He closed his eyes and thought of Raven, trying to stay fixed on that face. I can’t let myself forget again.

Then the world around him dissolved, and he was swept up in a torrent of memories that weren’t his own.

Author Bio

J. Scott Coatsworth

Scott lives with his husband Mark in a yellow bungalow in Sacramento. He was indoctrinated into fantasy and sci fi by his mother at the tender age of nine. He devoured her library, but as he grew up, he wondered where all the people like him were.

He decided that if there weren’t queer characters in his favorite genres, he would remake them to his own ends.

A Rainbow Award winning author, he runs Queer Sci Fi, QueeRomance Ink, Liminal Fiction, and Other Worlds Ink with Mark, sites that celebrate fiction reflecting queer reality, and was the committee chair for the Indie Authors Committee at the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) for almost three years.

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Friday, September 06, 2024

Sean Ian O'Meidhir & Connal Braginsky have a new MM paranormal book out, Darklight #3: Entwined. And there's a giveaway.

Entwined - Sean Ian O'Meidhir & Connal Braginsky

After learning his mother is alive, Cameron, a telepath, travels across the country to find her, accompanied by Nathen, his neurodiverse vampire lover, and Syn, his best friend and sister of the heart. Once there, they find she is involved in a much larger war of her own and has been trying to keep him out of harm’s way for years.

In their quest to help her, they make enemies, of course, but they also find several new allies. And when they are swept up in fae politics and looming war, the result is an entire paradigm shift that will have far-reaching effects on all their lives forever.

Warnings: Trauma, death violence, sex assault, miscarriage, HFN, depression, grief

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Entwined meme


Then Nathen sensed it before he was there. A man standing casually against the railing. Not a man. A vampire. He could see the blood flow like an electrical current through him, so very different than humans or even mages. His tall frame was silhouetted against the city backdrop so he could not quite make out his features except for the piercing luminescent blue eyes that bore into him. He wore a T-shirt, the pattern of which Nathen couldn’t make out, and leather pants that may have been painted on. His biker boots with silver buckles were distracting to Nathen for a moment as one was poised across the other, tip to the ground. He leaned on his elbows, which rested on the railing behind him as if the man didn’t have a care in the world.

Nathen interrupted Cameron from his midway point into unconscious sleep. “Babe, don’t freak out, and stay still. There’s another vampire in the room. I’m going to see what’s up. Pretend you’re sleeping in case he does something bad. That way maybe you can surprise him.”

Nathen kept a mental hand on Cameron, trying to keep him calm though he saw the spike of adrenaline through Cameron, blood activating and moving through him quickly, swept with fear and concern. Cameron said, “Gorgeous, no! How am I supposed to surprise him?”

He could see Cameron’s mind working through various scenarios, though he complied with Nathen’s request and didn’t make a move to get up

Nathen turned his attention to the vampire. “May I help you, sir? It is awfully late…or early. Whom do I have the pleasure of meeting? My name is Nathen.”

“Nice show.” The man’s velvety voice had a smile to it. “Caught the end. You boys interested in an encore with a new actor? It’s Augustus, or just August, by the way.” He made no move from his position, as if he were a marble statue. Looking closer, Nathen could make out the pronounced bulge tightening August’s pants.

Nathen drew a blank on how he was supposed to act in this situation. He’d never experienced anything like this, so had no script to follow. Morally this was a gray area, not wrong, but not usual either. He had never had a threesome, and that could be interesting, especially with two vampires. Though it could be too much for Cameron. Would Nathen feel the same way being bitten by another vampire as Cameron did? His mind was going through many probabilities trying to pick one choice. All he could manage to say was “Um…”

Feeling incredibly exposed, Cameron opened his eyes and pulled the blanket over him and Nathen. “Hey,” he managed, his fair skin mottled with embarrassment. Nathen could tell his thoughts were along the same lines of surprise and confusion which dripped with interest when he saw August. He could also feel Cameron delving into his desires, trying to read his preferences and though he knew Cameron preferred monogamy, the thought of being with both of them tickled through Cameron, alighting his already spent core.

“Hey yourself,” August said. “You probably need a minute to recover…for that was—” He traced his tongue over his extended fangs and lips before finishing. “—delicious. Was it you who had affected all the humans in the area? It had to be. I haven’t met a thaumaturge in town for quite a while.”

“I…” Cameron’s mind scrambled.

“I’ll tell you what, gentlemen. Why don’t Nathen and I give you some of our blood to help you recover faster? Then we can all have a little fun?” August asked.

Author Bio

Connal Braginsky is a software engineer who lives in San Diego, California. Diagnosed with autism, Connal sometimes struggles in social situations, but has an inner world that is always incredibly rich. With an insatiable thirst for knowledge about many esoteric things, Connal brings his personal philosophies and interests to writing.

Sean Ian O’Meidhir is a psychologist who lives in San Francisco, California. Sean is a hedonist who believes in living for today, living every day to the fullest, and enjoying as many experiences as possible. They have been gaming since adolescence and have written about and played hundreds of lives, reveling in the chance to take on new personalities, dramas, even disorders.

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