
Friday, October 30, 2015

Blog Tour and Giveaway for Corin's Chance by Hannah Walker

Hannah Walker is a new to me author and I am proud to be a part of her debut blog tour.

Avanti Corin's Chance E-Book Cover

Author Name: Hannah Walker

Book Name: Corin's Chance

Series: Avanti Chronicles

Book: One

Release Date: October 30, 2015


Posted to some stars awful cruiser, Dr. Corin Talovich hoped to serve his time quietly and get on with his life, but fate stepped in and decided otherwise.

Crashing into an unknown planet was the last thing Corin expected. With only his friend, Lieutenant Commander Tate Riven, by his side, they face the unexplored world and new enemies bravely, leading them to the Derin Clan, where they’re welcomed by the leader’s son.

Kel isn't sure about the strange men, but he isn't about to send them away, especially when the bond between Corin and himself is something he can't ignore.

When another clan wages an attack, Kel is forced to make some hard choices which nearly costs him everything he holds dear. Together, with their allies, Corin and Kel fight, focusing on the future they desire, knowing failure not only dooms their love, but also those around them. Side by side, they work to destroy the evil threatening to keep them apart and becoming the family both men desire.

Pages or Words: 140,000 words

Categories: Alternate universe, Fantasy, Fiction, Gay fiction, M/M romance, Romance, Science fiction (with a little space opera feel)


With a nod to one of the four guards at the door's entrance, Carn led them into the room. Following behind him, they walked right up to the massive table sat at the end. Around the table were stood six men, they must have ranged in ages from late teens to mid-sixties. They all looked weary and haggard, their bodies drooping where they stood. Maps, paperwork and cups littered the table in front of them.

One of them turned to Carn who was standing at the front of Corin’s group. "Damn it, Carn, I told you we weren't to be disturbed for anything. I don't care who the latest bloody delegate from the Alliance is. Now is not the time." A huge frown accompanied the man’s words.

"Laird Kel, these aren't delegates. I think you are going to want to hear this. They came asking for you as Kel, saying it was about a young girl named Eliya," Carn cautiously spoke, wary of upsetting any of the men around the table.

All around them heads shot up from what they were focused on. Suddenly every pair of eyes in the room was focused on them with a laser like intensity.

"What do you know about Eliya?" The man named Kel demanded.

Corin watched as he stalked towards them. His movements, while predatory, were graceful. He was close to seven feet of solid planes and hard muscles. His skin was a golden bronze which seemed to glisten in the lights around him. His hair was a mid-blonde, and flowed to just past his shoulders. Leather bracers covered his forearms while second, smaller leather circlets were wrapped around each bicep. Leather trousers were moulded to his thighs. Corin’s heart began to beat faster. Never had a first glance at someone affected him as it did now.

Laird Kelin was rugged in appearance. While still young, his face had a slightly rugged visage which was likely due to many hours spent outdoors. His eyes were both brown and green, with the green bleeding into the brown on the outer edges. He had a strong nose, coupled with a square jaw, and a dusting of facial hair, that just added to his overall ruggedness.

Corin’s cock went from soft, to rock hard and aching instantly. Damn this was a man he would happily have under him, over him, inside him. In fact, he would take him any which way he could. Tate shot Corin a questioning glance and Corin realised he hadn't been able to hide his reaction from his friend.

Shooting a glance at Tate and shaking his head, Corin boldly stepped forward. “I need to know who you are to Eliya before I can say anything.”

A second later one of the other men stood around the table jumped over it, and was hurtling towards Corin with a look of murderous intent on his face. Just as he got to Corin, he threw a punch that never landed. Instead, Tate stepped between Corin and Eliya, who was still asleep in the sling, and this new man. The punch hit him square in the abdomen, the pain was instantaneous, he staggered back, all the air gone from his lungs. Tate could feel his stitches rip open from the impact. Trying to suck in a deep breath, he called on all his years of training with the Avanti and pushed the pain into the recesses of his mind and forced his body back to standing whilst simultaneously pulling his knife from the sheath at his side.

“Make another move towards him again and I’ll kill you. You want him? You have to go through me first, and I promise you, I. Will. Win. You have no idea what you nearly did there.” Tate growled at the man, his stance wide, both aggressive and defensive at the same time.

“Do you know who I am?” The new man demanded as he bared his teeth at Tate.

“No,” Tate replied. “And frankly, I don't care. Now. Back. The. Fuck. Off.”

They watched as the man named Kel placed a restraining arm across the other man’s chest. “Leave it, Tir, let me deal with this. I mean it. We won't find anything out if we beat them. They came to us willingly, give them a chance to explain.”

They all watched the man called Tir run his hands over his face before he gave a small nod and took two small steps back.

Kel raised an eyebrow at him, sighed and then turned back to Corin. There were several emotions swirling through his gaze, but his voice was calm when he spoke again. “I am Laird Kelin Tharn, son of the Chieftain of this clan and Eliya is my niece, Laird Tirathon Tharn is her father. She was kidnapped two weeks ago with her nurse when they were walking the grounds. We have heard nothing since. There has been no ransom demands, no sightings, nothing. We have searched and searched and no trace has yet been found. The entire clan is grief stricken. As you can see, my brother is barely holding it together. Now. What. Do. You. Know.” His voice rose slightly as he struggled not to let his impatience show.

Corin looked at Tate, his eyes registering the fact the Tate looked clammy once again, they nodded to one another and Corin reached up to slowly untie the cloak from around him. He gently lifted the sleeping form of Eliya from the sling before looking up at Kel and quietly asking, “is this her?”

Gasps echoed all round, a choked sob came from Tir's direction before he quickly lifted her from Corin’s arm, tears streaming down his face. Smiles shone around the room as a small voice whispered, “Papi?”

Quickly a group surrounded the reunited father and daughter, cheers echoed around the room. A wave of happiness ran through the chamber and out the doors as word passed from one guard to another. Shouts of joy could be heard from the hallways as the news spread. A soft whimper from beside Corin saw him snapping his head to look at Tate.

Buy the book:

US: http://www.amazon.com/Corins-Chance-Avanti-Chronicles-Book-ebook/dp/B015N8PX0U/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1442843430&sr=1-1




Meet the author:

Hannah Walker is a full-time mum to two gorgeous teenage sons, and shares her home with them and a very supportive husband, who has always encouraged her to follow her dreams.

She has always loved books from her childhood years reading alongside her father. She has inherited her father’s love of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. She has combined this with her love of MM romance to write her series Avanti Chronicles. She loves writing about a complex world where the men love and live hard.

Welcome to the world of MM Sci-fi.



Where to find the author:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009788113663

Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009788113663

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvantiHannah

Blog: http://nuttieprof.wix.com/author-blog


Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26791703-corin-s-chance

Publisher: Hannah Walker

Cover Artist: Kellie Dennis @ Book Cover by Design

Tour Dates & Stops:

26-Oct: Bayou Book Junkie, Reviews by Jessewave, Kathymac Reviews, QUEERcentric Books, Jessie G. Books

27-Oct: Vampires, Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh My, BFD Book Blog, Three Books Over the Rainbow

28-Oct: Dawn’s Reading Nook, Happily Ever Chapter, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

29-Oct: Divine Magazine, Love Bytes, Velvet Panic, MM Good Book Reviews, Inked Rainbow Reads

30-Oct: Molly Lolly, Elisa - My Reviews and Ramblings, Bonkers About Books, Rainbow Gold Reviews, It’s Raining Men, Parker Williams





Feel free to tell me what you think.