Author Name: DC Juris
Book Name: Bad Moon Rising
Release Date: November 11, 2015
Bryce never expected to find himself smack in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, and he certainly never expected to meet the man of his dreams along the way. But there's more than zombies in the way of his happily ever after. Richard comes with baggage, in the form of his on again, off again bipolar lover Cole, who is off his meds and descending into his own mental hell at an alarming rate. Will the three men be able to work out their romantic feelings? Oh yeah...and then there's that little issue of the zombies...
Previously published by Breathless Press.
Pages or Words: 31,000 words
Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Horror, M/M Romance, Romance, Thriller
"Stay down!"
"What's going on?" I whispered.
"Looters," Cole revealed. "They're going up and down the street, searching cars."
Well, at least they wouldn't steal it, since we had the keys, and the chances of them sticking around to do any real damage to it seemed pretty slim, too. All we had to do was wait it out, and they'd go away.
Dolly stood and paced to the door, walking back and forth in front of it like she was on guard duty.
On the street, yelling broke out, and gunshots echoed in the night.
Richard cursed.
Our visitors had apparently been discovered. Shouts of run and look out descended into just inarticulate screaming and then the unthinkable: Dolly started barking.
Cole lunged for her, but the damage had already been done. The people outside started banging on our door, pleading to be let in.
"What do we do?" I looked to Richard, who was shaking his head.
"But if we don't let them in, they'll be infected," I argued. Those were people outside -- we had to help them. What if the roles were reversed? What if that had been me outside?
"And if we do let them in, we'll be infected." He reached for one of our backpacks and started shoving things inside. "We can't stay here. Cole, shut that damned mutt up!"
"I'm trying!" Cole struggled with Dolly, trying to get her calmed down and quiet.
Richard threw a bag at me, hitting me square in the chest and bringing me back to reality. "Pack light. We'll be walking."
"The car--"
"Is compromised. We'll never get near it. Hurry up. Cole!"
Cole scrambled back to us, dragging Dolly behind him.
Outside the shouting and banging intensified. Someone must've gotten smart, because a brick came careening through an exposed part of the door glass near the top. It sailed through the air, barely missing Richard's head.
"Time to go!" Richard shoved Cole toward the back door. "Bryce, help me with the boards!"
I grabbed up a discarded hammer and handed it over to him while I fished in my bag for the crowbar I'd brought. We struggled with the boards, hacking and pulling. Richard's face turned red with his exertion, and the warmth of my own efforts spread out from my arm muscles, making my chest tight and painful.
"Hurry up, guys!" Cole shouted.
I glanced back at the front door. The newcomers -- two beefy men and a scraggly haired woman -- had managed to get several of the boards free and were shouting at us. Behind them, I could see the horde moving closer. The woman let out a scream and disappeared from sight. The men didn't even look back for her -- they just kept on coming.
"Bryce!" Richard had gotten enough of the boards cleared for us to get through. I jumped out after him as he pulled Cole through. We ran along the back alley, Cole carrying a still-barking Dolly.
"Shut her up! She's going to give us away!" Richard smacked at Dolly's muzzle as he ran.
That seemed to stifle her for a few minutes, and we made it down the alley and through two more without chase. At last Richard stopped, heaving for air, and leaned against the wall of a building. I didn't want to stop. My nerves on fire with adrenaline and fear, I ran past him.
I ignored him. Fight or flight had kicked in. I wasn't much to look at size-wise -- I had no hope of fighting off a crowd of hungry zombies, so flight it was. I had to get away from there. Like a rat in a maze, I kept running through alleys and streets I didn't know and couldn't really see, until I stepped square into a hole and stumbled. I put my arms out and tried to catch myself, but only succeeded in falling on my wrist, wrenching it back against my arm. I couldn't keep from crying out, but even the momentary pain didn't stop me.
I surged to my feet again, but I must've injured my left ankle in the fall as well, because it wouldn't support my weight and I fell back down. Undaunted, I crawled for my life. Footsteps grew nearer and nearer. They'd catch me, but I'd be damned if they'd catch me easily.
"Bryce! Stop!"
I rolled over under the power of someone else. At any other time, I probably would've registered that the person was Richard. But right then, I didn't recognize him. He knew my name, kept yelling it over and over -- that much I realized -- but it made no difference to me. I fought him as hard as I could, and at last, he simply pinned my wrists and collapsed on top of me.
He stopped yelling, instead resorted to just whispering my name in my ear again and again in a monotonous tone that finally managed to bore into my brain and made me stop struggling.
Richard pulled back and looked down at me. "I'm getting up, okay?"
I nodded. Still feeling skittish though, I tried experimentally to wrest one of my wrists out of his grip.
"Easy," he cooed. "You're not in danger."
"Not yet," Cole chimed in from behind him.
"You're not helping," Richard snapped at him.
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Meet the author:
Romance author, sic-fi fan club Captain, cosplayer, reigning Queen of Monkeyland, and random menace. Yep, we're talking about DC Juris. She’s a cupcake making, football watching, rubber duck collecting, drag show loving, full of fabulous with a Capital F kinda gal. She's also an Ordained Minister and an amateur photographer. She lives in Upstate NY with her husband, three dogs, and three cats. When she's not writing, you can find her in her favorite chair watching "Star Trek" and "Supernatural" repeats on Netflix, or surfing the web for porn. Er... research. Surfing the web for research. She may speak softly but she lives and loves loudly. Just ask the neighbors. ::wink::
Where to find the author:
Periscope: @dcjuris
Instagram: @dcjuris
Publisher: Torquere Press
Cover Artist: Kris Norris
Tour Dates & Stops:
Parker Williams, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Bayou Book Junkie, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Inked Rainbow Reads, Happily Ever Chapter, Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews, BFD Book Blog, MM Good Book Reviews, Ogitchida Book Blog, Bonkers About Books, The Hat Party, V's Reads, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Kimi-Chan, Jessie G. Books, Open Skye Book Reviews
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