
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Book title: Legal Briefs by Kyan Christopher
Series Bathhouse Stories
Book Number: Three
Some characters from previous books do show up, but are not the main thrust of the story.
Author: Kyan Christopher

Josh works hard. Between school and an internship at an investment firm, he has little time and even less funds for an adventurous lifestyle. When a friend buys him a membership to a bathhouse, he encounters his knight in shining armor. But when his regular hookup seems to be too good to be true, suspicions and lies may end the relationship before it even starts.

Kimball’s law firm sends him to New Orleans to expand their Dallas law firm into the Crescent City. Deciding to have a little pleasure while in town for business, Kimball falls for a younger guy that he wants to spend time with. But living his life with secrets may prove to be his undoing, and moving to New Orleans to live out his happily-ever-after may become a distant dream.

Once my last interview for the day is over, I decide on a light lunch and run to a deli around the corner. I’ve only been to the French Quarter a few times, but I’m quickly learning my way around the area.
Stepping through the door, the aroma of fresh baked breads and hearty soups fill my nostrils. I look towards the menu and read the daily specials posted behind the cashier. The writing boasts clam chowder, turkey club on rye, and spinach quiche. They all sound great, but since the weather has turned chilly, or at least chilly for the South, I decide on the chowder.
After placing my order, I sit down at one of the tables to sip on my sweet tea and wait for my order. A few minutes pass before I hear one of the clerks call out. “Order for Josh.”
A young man walks toward the counter. His lean frame catches my eye. Wearing slacks and a button down, long sleeve shirt, I’m grateful he isn’t wearing a jacket since I get a great view of his ass.
Before I realize it, he’s turned around and I’m staring at his crotch. My eyes quickly move upward and I know I’ve been caught spying. Glints of yellow and green meet my eyes from beneath a mop of golden hair. I smile sheepishly and notice he gives me a quick smile and a nod before walking towards the door and exiting with his order in tow.
Damn. He’s probably one of the cutest guys I’ve ever seen. I commit to memory his facial features. His strong jaw line, high cheekbones, and those eyes. Those gorgeous, piercing eyes.

Adult Excerpt

Pages: 186

Buy the book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B014RWVN2A

Meet the author:
Kyan Christopher was born and raised in Louisiana. A southern boy who loves the city, he is a romantic at heart. Never thinking he would become an author, a fan fiction piece he wrote inspired a series that launched his desire to weave tales of passion and romance. Kyan is supported by his loving partner of 15 years. They live in the South with their three four-legged kids.

Where can we find the author: (Please provide links. We will use Facebook author page, Twitter, and Pinterest in the Rafflecopter. If you have a special request, please let me know. I will do my best, but Rafflecopter has limits on what can be done.)

Where to find the author:
Facebook Author Page
Goodreads LinkKyan Chrisopher
Publisher: Surrendered Press
Cover Artist: Kris Kendall

Tour Dates & Stops:
Parker Williams, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Bayou Book Junkie, The Hat Party, Charley Descoteaux, Divine Magazine, Happily Ever Chapter, Havan Fellows, BFD Book Blog, Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews, Louise Lyons, MM Good Book Reviews, Velvet Panic, Jessie G. Books, Elisa - My Reviews and Ramblings, Kimi-Chan, Moonbeams Over Atlanta, The Jena Wade, Book Reviews and More by Kathy, Andrew Q. Gordon, Mikky's World of Books, Hearts on Fire, Just Love Romance, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Unquietly Me, Bonkers About Books, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Iyana Jenna, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Three Books Over The Rainbow, V's Reads, Alpha Book Club

Rafflecopter Prize: $10 Amazon gift card

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