
Monday, October 04, 2021

Reviewing Ground of Insurrection by Mell Eight

Ground of Insurrection (Wizard Wars #1) by Mell Eight  4*

BLURB: Life on the prairie isn't easy, especially since the prairie has a habit of eating people it doesn't like. Ruse knows the dangers, but there's so much more to the prairie than death.

The nearby country of Ammet, however, only sees an exploitable resource to be conquered. Caught between the political machinations of Ammet and his love for the prairie, Ruse can only hope he doesn't wind up killed by one or the other. 

My Review: I really enjoyed this book. I won't give away any spoilers, but I have to say that Ruse and Mesiq are an amazing couple.

So why did I enjoy it? It was because it was just enough different from other wizardly type stories to make it very interesting. The world building and depths of the characters (not just the main ones) made it well worth the late night I had reading it.

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