
Monday, July 15, 2024

Reviewing Hoodoo House by Peter E. Fenton

Hoodoo House (The Declan Hunt Mysteries #2) by Peter E. Fenton 4*

BLURB: How far would you be willing to go to keep a secret?

When writer Malcolm Tull is discovered dead at his writing desk, all signs point to suicide. But Malcolm' s editor isn't so sure. There' s the matter of the man' s missing computer, a mislaid manuscript and the fact that he didn't seem the type to take his own life.

Declan Hunt and Charlie Watts are called into action and make their way to the mysterious Hoodoo House nestled on the edge of the Badlands of Alberta. Soon they are embroiled in a case involving blackmail, gay tricks and possibly even murder.

As the secrets of Hoodoo House come to light, Charlie discovers that his boss has been keeping a few secrets of his own, secrets that could impact their romantic relationship outside of the office. And before this investigation is done, Charlie will have to get to the truth, even if it means this might be his final case for Declan Hunt Investigations.

My Review: I received this book in exchange for an honest review. Having read book one, Mann Hunt, I was eager to read book two and see if it was as good as the first. I'm happy to say that it was. The main two characters from the first book star in this one and the books are best read in order (though at a push you could read this one as a stand alone as the case is in no way connected to anything that happened previously). The relationship between Declan and Charlie does continue from the first book and is the reason I say to read them in order as otherwise it might not make as much sense to you.

As for the actual story in this book, I can only say it was intriguing and clever, with some great characters and lots of mysterious happenings, as befits a good detective novel. I loved the newer characters and I think Henry stole my heart since the author caught the thoughts and actions of a young boy so well, but I think Charlie is still my favourite and I look forward to reading another book if the author writes a book three in the series.

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